Membership Value

There is a schedule for 6 Regional Societies; each with separate residences that are scheduled to encompass most of the 20 different Italian regions. This association of 120 invited members will be offered access to a network of 12 properties at an average value of $6 million dollars each, in select Italian destinations.

Discover more about the vision of the Viaggiare Society of Italia from our founder, Nathaniel Crosby. Click To Read

Membership Value

The Initial Membership will be a 30-year refundable deposit initially set at two-million-dollars with modest annual dues that will be tied to a CPI Index. Members who opt not to use their allocation of weeks will have their dues offset from a rental pool on a pro-rate basis. This product will also exploit the value of sharing so that it makes financial sense to the member when comparing it to a short-term, seasonal rental, or the ownership of multiple properties. Members who wish to exit prior to the 30-year term must be replaced by an incoming member selected by the invitation committee. Accepted members will be available to access a network of properties throughout Italy valued at or near $6 million dollars for 4 weeks of advanced reservations in their primary regional network and may access space-available weeks on an unlimited basis for nominal property fee charges. Unused time will, on any given year offset rental incomes.

*See detail below

Acquisition of Properties:
Ratio Promise

The initial membership will be a 30-year refundable deposit initially set at two-million-dollars with modest annual dues that will be tied to a CPI index. Members who opt not to use their allocation of weeks will have their dues offset from a rental pool on a pro-rate basis. Accepted members will be available to access a network of properties throughout Italy valued at or near $6 million dollars for 4 weeks of advanced reservations in their primary regional network, and may access space-available weeks on an unlimited basis for nominal property fee charges. 

Membership Categories & Transfer Fees

There will be two categories of members, Founders and Members. Founders are established as the first 32 members to commit to a regional society. They will be protected from any price increases, will have a “significant say so” regarding subsequent invitations to the invitation committees, and will not have any transfer fees when exiting the society. The Members (non-founders) will be subject to possible price increases and will be subject to a 25% transfer fee.

Exiting Members

Members who wish to exit prior to the 30-year term must be replaced by an incoming member. Prior to the membership cap having been reached, members may exit on a 4-1 ratio (incoming members to exiting members). Once the membership cap has been reached then there will be a waiting list to gain access to the membership, or a wait list to exit on a 1-1 ratio. The small societies of 120 members have been designed so that a waiting list to exit is highly improbable. 

Small Membership Society Design: Security of the Deposit

The small membership design with the thirty-year refundable membership deposit model is the formula that creates immediate value and enhanced lifestyle without members being at risk for losing their deposit. The deposit model has been utilized when financing thousands of private golf courses and its value is seldom understood when applied to residential networks, municipal stadiums, yachts, and planes; all of which have also been financed through this legal technique. The refundable membership document allows for any member to recover his refundable deposit prior to the 30-year term length less a transfer fee after being replaced by an incoming member. After thirty years from the initial deposit, a member is refunded his original deposit without interest, upon request. Each regional society is scheduled to have significant capital reserves and a minimum of seventy-five percent equity in the real estate network by Membership Document.

Debt-Free Properties

All properties that are acquired will be debt free until the membership cap has been reached. Should all the members request their deposits back in 30 years simultaneously and there is no demand for membership, it is assumed that the properties will have doubled in value and that there will be enough cash in reserve to repay all 120 members as promised. At the membership cap, Viaggiare Society has the right to leverage the properties up to 25%.

Unused Weeks

Unreserved properties will be made available to the public within 6 months of the day of arrival. Revenues for the unused weeks will be pooled and used to offset the annual dues of members unused weeks on a pro rata basis.